Find your balance, find your peace

What is Reiki?
Originating from the Japanese words rei, meaning "universal", and ki, meaning "vital life force energy," Reiki practitioners believe that energy flows through all living things and that people with low energy levels are more likely to be stressed or unwell. The reiki practitioners’ goal is to help the body's natural healing abilities by releasing energy flows and increasing energy levels.
What can I expect during a session?
During your session, you will have a relaxing meditation, guided by your practitioner. During the session, the practitioner places their hands lightly on or near the client's clothed body, usually for 3 to 10 minutes at a time. The practitioner uses a variety of hand positions, focusing on different parts of the body, such as the head, shoulders, stomach, or feet. The practitioner may also hover their hands just above the client, depending on the situation. For example, if the client has an injury, the practitioner may hold their hands just above the wound. Sessions typically last 60 to 90 minutes and involve very little talking.

What are the benefits of Reiki?
Reiki is not part of any religious or belief system, and it is not intended to cure illnesses or disease. However, people have reported that reiki has provided a variety of benefits, including:
Reducing stress and anxiety
Relieving pain
Improving sleep quality
Stimulating the immune system
Reducing inflammation
Improving mood
Supporting the healing process after surgery or other medical procedures
Helping to manage the side effects of cancer treatment
Offering more clarity in life lessons and purpose
How will I feel after my session?
After your session, you might feel relaxed, sleepy, or even a bit foggy. Many clients report a euphoric feeling and a sense of lightness, as if a weight has been lifted. Some client’s report feeling cold and thirsty afterward. Becky will provide plenty of blankets, water/tea after a session. You'll leave sessions with heightened awareness of shifts in your surroundings that require understanding, awareness, and compassion.

How should I prepare for a session?
Plan on wearing comfortable, light-in-color clothing. Bring a water bottle and plan to stay well-hydrated after a session. I also encourage you to take notice of thoughts or dreams that occur the night before your session and jot those down in a notebook or your phone to reference after a session.

How many sessions do I need?
Each individual is unique, and so is the amount of sessions that each person requires. The energy shift is profound after just one session and you may feel better after one session and not feel the need to return. However, most of Becky’s clients have profound shifts in their life after receiving 6 sessions and they are able to practice on their own, pick up cues and messages from the universe and navigate their journey with confidence and clarity. Reiki sessions give clients a chance to address health concerns, start new habits, shift perspectives, and start operating in
the positive.

What is Becky's Process?
The art of a Reiki practitioner is unique, no one practitioner practices the same. Becky’s process has been curated over years of practice and clarity. Each session encompasses a sophisticated blend of energy healing techniques designed to promote holistic well-being. She picks up on cues within the body that require attention and further healing. The process involves clearing all chakras, providing written feedback, and incorporating past life regression experiences to facilitate deep healing and insight. Becky's methods are characterized by a non-invasive approach, intuitive perception, and commitment to creating a relaxing and regenerative experiencefor each client.